Today we became official First Aiders and our families were there to watch us share our learning and get our certificates. Our ceremony began with each student sharing a safety tip or emergency procedure that they remembered from our course. Then, each of our graduates received a First Aid Certificate from Miss. OC and Miss. Marshall. Finally, we did some celebrating - complete with snacks, juice, and balloons.
Check out the photos from our event!
We shared some safety tips with our families. |
What do you do if you get a bad burn? How do you safely warm up your hands if you have frost bite? How do you splint a broken arm? We shared our knowledge with our families so they could see what we learned during our First Aid course.
These girls showed our families how to put an unconscious person in the recovery position. |
Here are some of our happy graduates, ready to help out in emergency situations at home and in our community! (Click on the photos to make them larger)
A big thank-you to all the family members who joined us to celebrate our learning today! Your excitement and applause really made us feel special. We are very proud to be First Aiders!
We had a very tiny, very special guest at our celebration! |
We had some special grandparents come celebrate with us, too! |
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